15′ X 15′ Gold Silver Checkerboard


Gold Silver Checkerboard

Golden silver checkerboard, often used in film and photography, is a tool designed to help with color calibration and lighting adjustments.

Overall, a golden silver checkerboard is a versatile and essential tool for achieving precise lighting and color control in professional film and photography settings.

A carry bag is including with this product.


Gold Silver Checkerboard

Golden silver checkerboard, often used in film and photography, is a tool designed to help with color calibration and lighting adjustments. Here’s a description of its features and usage:


  1. Checkerboard Pattern: The board is divided into alternating squares of gold and silver.
    • Gold Squares: Typically used to add warmth to the image. Gold reflects light with a warmer tone, which can enhance skin tones and create a cozy, inviting atmosphere.
    • Silver Squares: Used to reflect light more neutrally, maintaining the natural color balance. Silver reflects light with a cooler tone, useful for highlighting details and preserving true colors.
  2. Size and Material: These checkerboards come in various sizes, depending on the needs of the shoot. They are often made of durable, lightweight materials that are easy to transport and set up on location.
  3. Portability: Many golden silver checkerboards are designed to be collapsible or foldable, making them easy to carry and store.


  1. Color Calibration: By capturing an image of the checkerboard under the lighting conditions of the shoot, photographers and filmmakers can use it as a reference for post-production color correction, ensuring consistent color reproduction.
  2. Lighting Adjustment:
    • Warmth Adjustment: Use the gold side to reflect warmer light onto the subject, enhancing warmth and creating a pleasing, soft glow.
    • Highlighting Details: Use the silver side to reflect a more neutral light, which helps to accentuate details and reduce shadows without altering the color balance significantly.
  3. Balancing Shadows and Highlights: The checkerboard can help balance shadows and highlights in a scene by strategically placing it to reflect light into darker areas, ensuring even lighting across the subject.
  4. Creative Effects: By experimenting with the placement and angle of the checkerboard, photographers and filmmakers can create various lighting effects and moods, adding a unique touch to their images or footage.

Overall, a golden silver checkerboard is a versatile and essential tool for achieving precise lighting and color control in professional film and photography settings.